City of Speech and Sound
“The Speech can be informative, delicate, poetic, accusatory, artistic. It can express an idea, an emotion, a point of view.”
The history of the abbey is criss-crossed by the words exchanged in dialogue by its many diff erent occupants: the rigorous words of the monastic communities, the enlightening words of the Ecole d’Auxerre, the comforting and caring words of the civil and military hospital.
The Cité de la parole et du son off ers to question the place that this dimension takes in today’s society, what are the artistic trends that emerge in contemporary creation, how a work of art, thanks to its poetic, questioning, surprising and celebratory dimension, enables everyone to live a decisive moment and to fi nd the means to express the emotion felt?
Getting the walls of Saint-Germain Abbey to speak and vibrate is the basis of the relationship between visitors, heritage and artistic creation.
creation and distribution
The abbey regularly welcomes archaeological and historical researchers. But it can also welcome visual artists, singers, musicians and video artists, for whom words and sound are the basis of their creations.
The abbey is conducive to refl ection, to meeting times, to stimulating conversations to confront current events, to imagine future trends or to understand today’s world.
Festivities, concerts, meetings, performances, all year round Saint Germain Abbey off ers unique moments, where the public is invited to enjoy unique experiences.
By creating new partnerships, such as with the Pompidou Centre, the abbey is positioning itself as a benchmark venue in Burgundy Franche-Comté for hosting major works or emerging artists.
The Saint-Germain Abbey is not only a historic heritage site, but also a place turned towards the future and new technologies. It is able to host special events around digital arts, electro-acoustic creations and podcasts.
A historic site, generating a unique atmosphere, the site has already hosted several productions, both short and feature films.